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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Common Idioms : Hand picked List 1

Idioms makes your sentences look smarter and shorter. If you cleverly use idioms in your sentences, you can save a lot of energy by saying less and meaning a lot. I am providing a list of some hand picked idioms, i have selected them from, please do visit this site.

A Blessing In Disguise
"My car broke down again, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise; I've been wasting too much time driving around anyway."

A Slap On The Wrist
"He should be in jail for what he did, but he got off with just a slap on the wrist."

A Taste Of Your Own Medicine
"It looks like she got a taste of her own medicine."

Against The Clock
"We worked against the clock all day to get this report done by 5PM."

All Greek
"Did you understand what he just said?" Reply: "Nope. It was all Greek to me."

All In The Same Boat
"We can't fight against each other; we need to work together. We're all in the same boat!"

An Arm And A Leg
"Be careful with that watch; it cost me an arm and a leg."

As High As A Kite
"The ball got stuck up there on the roof. It's as high as a kite."

Bend Over Backwards
"We bent over backwards to help him, and he never even thanked us!"

Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
"I thought I could finish this report within one month, but it looks like I have bitten off more than I can chew."

Burning The Midnight Oil
"Our son has been working hard preparing for his final exams!" Answer: "Yes, he's been up each night burning the midnight oil."

Come Hell Or High Water
"Will you be at the family reunion next year?" Answer: "Yes- we'll be there, come hell or high water!"

Drastic Times Call For Drastic Measures
"Sales have been slow and we had to let go three of our employees; drastic times call for drastic measures."

Dry Spell
"Sam is a great salesman, though lately he's been having a bit of a dry spell."

Get Over It
"I was very sick yesterday, but I got over it quickly."

Great Minds Think Alike
"I have decided that this summer I am going to learn how to scuba dive." Answer: "Me too! I have already paid for the course. Great minds think alike!"

Haste Makes Waste
"You should always take your time when doing your taxes and check your numbers very carefully; haste makes waste."

Have No Idea
"I can't find my keys. I have no idea where I put them."

Icing On The Cake
"I've been accepted by the university, and they've offered me a position on the basketball team!" Answer: "That's wonderful! Icing on the cake."

Idle Hands Are The Devil's Tools
"It makes me nervous to see those kids outside just standing around; idle hands are the devils tools!"

In The Heat Of The Moment
"Sorry about what I said; I got caught up in the heat of the moment."

Keep An Eye On Him
"I have to run to the bathroom. Can you keep an eye on my suitcase while I am gone?"

Lend Me Your Ear
"Friends, Romans, countrymen; lend me your ear."

Let The Cat Out Of The Bag
"Bob didn't tell anyone that he was sick, but his wife let the cat out of the bag."

Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You
"We have been your best customers for years. How could you suddenly treat us so rudely? You should never bite the hand that feeds you."

Nose Out Of Joint
"We were only joking; don't get your nose out of joint."

Not A Chance
"Do you think you will be able to finish your report by five o'clock today?" Answer: "Not a chance. I'll be busy in meetings all day."

Out Of The Blue
"Why did she do that?" Answer: "I have no idea. It was completely out of the blue."

Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire
"I didn't like that job because I was working too hard. Yet in this new job I work even harder!" Answer: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire."

Out On The Town
"Do you want to join us tonight? We're going out on the town."

Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish
"We've worked so hard to save money that if we took a vacation now it would be penny-wise, pound-foolish."

Practice What You Preach
"Good managers always lead by example and practice what they preach."

Put Your Best Foot Forward
"I want you to get out on that field and put your best foot forward!"

Rome Was Not Built In One Day
"It is taking me a long time to write this computer program." Answer: "Rome was not built in one day."

Rub Salt In An Old Wound
"Oh please, let's not rub salt in old wounds!"

Sink Or Swim
"When we interview new teachers, we just put them in with the students and see how they do. It's sink or swim."

Six Of One, A Half-Dozen Of The Other
Example: "I say she's a stewardess. She says she's a flight attendant. It's six of one, a half-dozen of the other."

Start From Scratch
"How are you going to build your business?" Answer: "Just like everyone else does: starting from scratch."

The Pros And Cons
"I've considered the pros and cons and I've decided: it is going to be expensive, but I still want to go to college."

The Sky Is The Limit
"After I graduate from business school, the sky's the limit!"

To Err Is Human, To Forgive Divine
"I will never forgive my mother for what she has done!" Answer: "Don't be angry at her. To err is human, to forgive divine."

Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right
"That boy pushed me yesterday and I am going to get him back today!" Answer: "No you are not! Two wrongs do not make a right."

Up For Grabs
"Quick- that table is up for grabs; let's get it before someone else does."

The red colored are my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. "A Piece of Cake"

    A task that can be accomplished very easily.

    Eg: Going to shop is just piece of cake for me.
